"For my house shall be called a house of prayer for all peoples." Isaiah 56:7
Prayers in Worship
The hallmark of our ministry at Savior Divine is the attention given to prayer in our worship. The worship experience at Savior Divine affords an opportunity to lift up the names of those in need of prayer. Opportunity is also made for worshipers to speak the names of those who are in need of prayer.
Health and Healing Prayer
A couple of times during the year, the individual prayer for health and healing is offered. It is a holistic prayer for the healing of body, mind, and spirit. The prayer is offered during the regular worship on Sunday. Attention is given to healing since it was an important part of Jesus' ministry.
Monthly Prayer Group
On the first Sunday of each month, the prayer group meets to lift up thanksgivings as well as requests from those individuals needing it. The meeting is also an opportunity to pray for the ministry of the congregation.